Our primary objective at Speak is to help kids discover their inherent potential to be great leaders.
As the top personality transformation school in Sri Lanka we envision a world where kids attain not only the technical skills in their respective fields, but also acquire great leadership skills and transform into great personalities who will impress, inspire and influence others and create a positive impact in the world.

Our primary objective at Speak is to help kids discover their inherent potential to be great leaders.
As the top personality transformation school in Sri Lanka we envision a world where kids attain not only the technical skills in their respective fields, but also acquire great leadership skills and transform into great personalities who will impress, inspire and influence others and create a positive impact in the world.

Our primary objective at Speak is to help kids discover their inherent potential to be great leaders.
As the top personality transformation school in Sri Lanka we envision a world where kids attain not only the technical skills in their respective fields, but also acquire great leadership skills and transform into great personalities who will impress, inspire and influence others and create a positive impact in the world.

Farweez is one of those rare few who is on a mission to make a difference and impact lives. He is invested in the growth and development of children and young adults who lovingly call him ‘Sir’ and sometimes ‘Uncle’. He will pour all his energy into ensuring they grow and transform both as speakers as well as individuals.
Farweez started this program, because he found out that children who lack confidence and have the fear of facing an audience or standing on a stage are not given the opportunity to discover their true potential to stand out and outstand. Despite the labelling of kids as slow learners and low ability kids he believes that there is a great leader inside every child. He is committed to impact lives and help every child discover their great leader within.

Farweez is one of those rare few who is on a mission to make a difference and impact lives. He is invested in the growth and development of children and young adults who lovingly call him ‘Sir’ and sometimes ‘Uncle’. He will pour all his energy into ensuring they grow and transform both as speakers as well as individuals.
Farweez started this program, because he found out that children who lack confidence and have the fear of facing an audience or standing on a stage are not given the opportunity to discover their true potential to stand out and outstand. Despite the labelling of kids as slow learners and low ability kids he believes that there is a great leader inside every child. He is committed to impact lives and help every child discover their great leader within.
Farweez is one of those rare few who is on a mission to make a difference and impact lives. He is invested in the growth and development of children and young adults who lovingly call him ‘Sir’ and sometimes ‘Uncle’. He will pour all his energy into ensuring they grow and transform both as speakers as well as individuals.

Farweez started this program, because he found out that children who lack confidence and have the fear of facing an audience or standing on a stage are not given the opportunity to discover their true potential to stand out and outstand. Despite the labelling of kids as slow learners and low ability kids he believes that there is a great leader inside every child. He is committed to impact lives and help every child discover their great leader within.

The year was 2017. We started with 15 kids in a small auditorium with a big dream of transforming personalities. Our key belief was “There is A Great Leader Inside Every Child.”
The journey was not so easy as we expected, because we were the first to talk about a school that transformed personalities. But we believed in delivering results and offering value. And that’s exactly what we did.
The more we persevered, persisted, engaged with the kids and invested on their growth and transformation the more we witnessed amazing stories of transformations.
Little by little, student after student we saw that there truly is a leader inside every child. When parents began to witness this transformation that is when they truly began to believe in what Speak was set out to do. And we consider this trust, which we endured to build and preserve the greatest investment that we have ever made. This investment is what continues to return parents to Speak with their precious children and entrust them with us.
Now Speak proudly stands tall as the only Personality Transformation School in Sri Lanka and the first and only Sri Lankan school to be selected to showcase it’s Innovative Model of Personality Transformation at the world’s largest grassroots education conference.

The year was 2017. We started with 15 kids in a small auditorium with a big dream of transforming personalities. Our key belief was “There is A Great Leader Inside Every Child.”
The journey was not so easy as we expected, because we were the first to talk about a school that transformed personalities. But we believed in delivering results and offering value. And that’s exactly what we did.
The more we persevered, persisted, engaged with the kids and invested on their growth and transformation the more we witnessed amazing stories of transformations.
Little by little, student after student we saw that there truly is a leader inside every child. When parents began to witness this transformation that is when they truly began to believe in what Speak was set out to do. And we consider this trust, which we endured to build and preserve the greatest investment that we have ever made. This investment is what continues to return parents to Speak with their precious children and entrust them with us.
Now Speak proudly stands tall as the only Personality Transformation School in Sri Lanka and the first and only Sri Lankan school to be selected to showcase it’s Innovative Model of Personality Transformation at the world’s largest grassroots education conference.

The year was 2017. We started with 15 kids in a small auditorium with a big dream of transforming personalities. Our key belief was “There is A Great Leader Inside Every Child.”
The journey was not so easy as we expected, because we were the first to talk about a school that transformed personalities. But we believed in delivering results and offering value. And that’s exactly what we did.
The more we persevered, persisted, engaged with the kids and invested on their growth and transformation the more we witnessed amazing stories of transformations.
Little by little, student after student we saw that there truly is a leader inside every child. When parents began to witness this transformation that is when they truly began to believe in what Speak was set out to do. And we consider this trust, which we endured to build and preserve the greatest investment that we have ever made. This investment is what continues to return parents to Speak with their precious children and entrust them with us.
Now Speak proudly stands tall as the only Personality Transformation School in Sri Lanka and the first and only Sri Lankan school to be selected to showcase it’s Innovative Model of Personality Transformation at the world’s largest grassroots education conference.

Our Coaches

Farweez is an accomplished corporate trainer and public speaking coach with more than 1500 hours of experience, working with 22 leading organizations in Sri Lanka. He is a champion speaker who has competed and won awards at the highest level at Toastmasters International. He was the debate coach at Trinity College Kandy (2018). He is currently the debate coach at Good Shepherd’s Convent (2021). He holds an MBA from the London Metropolitan University (2019).

Shareef is an accomplished corporate trainer and public speaking coach with more than 1000 hours of experience, shaping young minds and future leaders. He is also an Internal Auditor by profession, reading an MBA in the university of West of Scotand and a fully qualified member of CIMA. formation. He is also a champion speaker at Toastmasters International, Qatar region who has won awards at the highest level.

Shaakya is an accomplished champion public speaker who became the winner at the International Oratory Contest held by Global Unites. She holds a diploma in psychology from the University of West London and is currently pursuing a degree in psychology. She is completing an ATCL in communication skills. She’s a part time teacher, podcast host and an aspiring entrepreneur.

Hamra is a graduate of BSc(hons) in Psychology from the University of West London. She is a Mental Health Expert on the platform of ‘Yeheli’ supporting community health as a member of Without Borders Sri Lanka and the president of the Her Highness Youth Organization (Guarantee) Limited. She was a former teacher at Lycuem International and Ilma International. She is also a coach and mentor for Special Needs children.

Kithmee is a Bsc Graduate on Environmental Conservation and Management from the University of Kelaniya. She has completed the Diploma in Professional Education from the Gateway Graduate School and is employed as a Research officer at the Federation of Environmental Organizations Sri Lanka. She was a former ESL Teacher at CIS Kandy. She was a member of the debate team at Hillwood College, which was placed 2nd runners up at MTV Debater in 2012.

A Communication & Leadership academy that offers transformation programs aimed at leadership and personality development.
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+9477 043 6997

A Communication & Leadership academy that offers transformation programs aimed at leadership and personality development.